Follow me on Instagram: @angelaremondi | @inventedromance
Guys I don't even have anything to say in summary about May because I can't believe it's actually over. Wasn't it just winter like a week ago? It's June now? Seriously?
- I fell in absolute LOVE with Joyous Health and Oh She Glows this month. I've started taking a new (more positive) approach to the way I think about my health, food, and my body, and these books/ blogs have been absolutely instrumental (insert a-ok emoji here)
- Our group of friends has had a lot of fun nights together this month! I gotta say I really do love havin my pals in town :)
- Little Maya turned one year old on May 5th! Cinco de MAYA!!!... I am way too proud of the discovery of that connection.
- The Sunparlour Players played at Loplops this month and it was such an incredible show!
- My friends and I had a get-together to celebrate Mark and Em's birthdays, which happened to coincide with a whole slew of important dates!
- The boys can be pretty cute when they wanna be.
- I tried out lots of healthy and yummy recipes this month #nomnom
- Mark left to join the army this month, so we had a little get-together for him!
- I gave my bike a makeover and I am in love with its new look!
I actually wasn't even able to cover everything with that little collage. Some other notables of this month: Mike and I celebrated our three year anniversary, Mike has been working on a political campaign so we've been going to lots of events and hanging out with his poli friends, I made healthy snackies with Laur and Amanda, my mom retired and we had a fun party to celebrate, our staff had a going away party for Mark, I was asked to participate in Modcloth's Uniquely You campaign and WON (!!!), and I have been apartment-hunting up a storm. Whewf. This month was actually cray, y'all. Just cray.