Hi, I'm Angela. I'm a 23 year old living in Canada. I just received my Honours BA in English this past year with a minor in Music, and I'm currently pursuing my BEd at Teacher's College!
I love the people in my life- specifically my boyfriend, best friends, and family. I also love clothing, reading, writing, music, art, and yoga. I'm a perfectionist, an avid tea and coffee drinker, a collector of books and pretty things, and a vegan. I'm a bit of a grandma at heart. And you'll probably see a lot of that here.
Invented Romance is where I share my inspiration, things I love, and my daily life. This is a place for memories, expression, creativity, and daydreaming.
The name "Invented Romance" comes from a lovely quote I once read and have since forgotten, and I chose it as my blog's namesake because at the time, I thought it was an appropriate description of my style. My style and interests have tended to revolve around everything romantic or feminine. I see both my style and my blog as a way to invent and express myself.
I hope you all enjoy my corner of the internet! If you have any questions, I would love to hear from you :) Thanks so much for reading!