Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmastime Liquorfest

(top with gems: h&m | skirt: urban outfitters | tights: h&m | shoes: american eagle | earrings: aldo | bracelets: smart set, american eagle)

This past weekend, my friends and I celebrated our second annual Christmastime Liquorfest. Laura and I got ready for CTLF and attempted to bake together (and burned our baking) at my house, and then Amanda joined us before we met with Em and the boys. Laur and Amanda both borrowed my clothes and looked much better than me when I wear them. I actually love to lend out my clothes though, it makes me feel like my wardrobe is serving some sort of purpose. And that is always a good thing.

The party was such a blasty blast. We turned the classic Grinch movie into a drinking game (by drinking any time they said "Grinch," "Who," "Christmas," and any time the Grinch slithers around the Christmas tree... bad idea), exchanging Yankee Swap presents, drinking #eggies, playing games, and eating excessive amounts of baked goods, cheeseball, and pickles. I love my friends and it was so nice to all get together for the holidays.

(Em, Laura, Amanda and I being a bunch of sillies)

This week has been incredibly busy and I am SO excited for the next two days off. I started a second job this week at the Algoma U bookstore (...so I currently work at two bookstores. I am a nerd). And the Christmas rush at Bookstore #1 has just knocked me off my feet. I've at least had some lovely hang-outs with Laura and Erin. But tonight I plan on wrapping up a bunch of presents, then relaxing on my couch and drinking wine until it tastes good (I really want to be able to drink wine and enjoy it, you guys).

Mike is currently out of town visiting family. This is the first Christmas we aren't spending together which is depressing. But I am using tonight to work on his present before he returns home. Really probably shoulda jumped on all this Christmas business a little earlier ha. I suck.

Hope you are all having an absolutely lovely Christmas eve!


  1. i completely feel you on the wine! i've wanted for so long to be a wine drinker, but it's hard. moscato is the only thing i actually like, and still most of the time i don't drink very much. if you can find a bubbly one, it's better, or mix it with sprite for a white wine spritzer! so fancy.

    i am dying over your tights and shoes. you couldn't be more perfect.

    xo nicole

  2. Seems it was a blast! And you look so cute!:) Merry Christmas! xo

  3. Such a pretty outfit, that top is lovely! :)
    A Grinch drinking game is a great idea, may have to do this sometime!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog :) yours is lovely, followed!!
    Have a fab Christmas!
    Helen at Hels Yeah! xx

  4. Lovely post :)keep visiting my blog.xxx
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  5. that grinch game is such a lovely idea! maybe i should play it sometime with my friends! have a great christmas!
