Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine Playbook

It has been a long week. Weirdly, despite the obvious sad aspects of the past week, my mom and I have had one of the nicest visits yet with my aunts. We have had a lovely time spending time with my Nonno, uncle Neil, and Mike- looking at old pictures, having meals together, and we even went to see Monuments Men last night (superb film). Anyway, I am exhausted and drained and sad, but it feels good to keep busy so I'm throwing myself back into blogging!

Yesterday, I was cleaning up my room and attempting to put together an outfit for Valentine's Day. As it turns out... my entire wardrobe is a Valentine dream. I have a surplus of pink, red, lace, chiffon, florals, and heart patterns littering my closet. It's actually mildly revolting. This discovery of my wardrobe's endless Valentine possibilities resulted in my throwing together a few different outfits for various hypothetical V Day events! I still haven't figured out what I'd like to wear myself, but perhaps these looks will bring you some of your own inspiration!

So I bring you, the Valentine Playbook, if you will. Here you will find three different looks for three different kinds of Valentine celebrations!

#1. The Sweetheart
What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than by showering yourself in heart patterns?? I put this outfit together thinking it would be ideal for a cozy night with your significant other- whether it's a candlelit meal or a movie night. The solid black skirt and tank act as a perfect canvas for all sorts of lovey patterns!

(cardigan: forever 21 | tank: american eagle | skirt: urban outfitters | heart tights: asos | shoes: american eagle | necklace: h&m | bracelets: smart set | purse: h&m)

#2. The Romantic
When I think of romance, I think of soft colour palettes, flowy fabrics, fragrant flowers, and period dramas. So naturally, I felt that this outfit emulated my concept of romance perfectly. Can't you just imagine putting on this outfit to be swept off your feet by your true love and brought to a fancy ball a la horse drawn carriage? Or you know, like going out for a dinner or show or something?

(top: american eagle | skirt: eclipse | shoes: urban outfitters | purse: aldo | bracelets: h&m)

#3. The Maneater
Okay so I realize how idiotic I sound calling an outfit the "Maneater," you're gonna have to forgive me for this one. Normally I do not endorse the use of the word "Maneater," but in this case, it felt appropriate. I felt like Nelly Furtado circa 2006 in this. I thought this would be a great outfit for a night out for drinks! What better way to celebrate a day of love than by hitting the town with your best friends? We don't need no man *triangle snap* Plus, V Day is on a Friday this year, so you're basically asking for a drunken fiasco. I loved this outfit because it felt classy and sassy all at once. The red bag and lips, along with the bow on the back of my top, felt like the perfect way to incorporate a Valentine theme!

(top: urban outfitters | trousers: smart set | heels: urban outfitters | bralette: aerie | necklace: american eagle | purse: boathouse, gift from em)
And there we have it folks! An array of looks for Valentine's Day!!

Someone commented once that I incorporate black into all of my outfits. And these photos more than ever before have proven that to be true. I don't know if I'd be able to wear an outfit that doesn't include black! A challenge for another time I suppose.

Hope you are all having a lovely week!!


  1. LOVE these outfits so much! the first and the last are my faves also very much my style! Where is that bralette in the third outfit from? it is perfect and I've been looking for one like it!

  2. I love how different these looks are...but all cute and super appropriate for Valentine's Day!

  3. so sorry for your loss, but glad you got to spend some quality time with your family. love this little feature you put together -- the first outfit is definitely my favorite. so cute!

