Monday, April 14, 2014

Transitional Non-Transition

(top: smart set | jeans: american eagle | boots: reitman's | scarf: h&m | earrings: aldo | necklace: modcloth | bracelet: smart set)

Why hello there! It feels like it's been ages. This outfit is an Angela classic. Every Spring, I seem to pull out the stripes and florals and wispy scarves. This time around, I threw this scarf on around my shoulders instead of the usual twist-around-the-neck type of deal. This would be the perfect transitional outfit, if the season were transitioning at all. BUT IT SNOWED TODAY. SNOW. NO TRANSITIONS HERE, WE'LL JUST KEEP WINTERIN' ON, THANKS.

All has been pretty quiet this month on my little blog because *BROKEN RECORD ALERT* work is taking over my life. My bosses at both jobs are on vacation and as a result, my shifts have seemed to double! The past little while has also included many fun evenings: date nights, girly evenings involving face masks and tea, casual get-togethers and game nights, and reunions with friends over appetizers and drinks!

Welp, I am off to bed after a very busy day! I tried to squeeze in some yoga and downtime after work, and lo and behold, it's already midnight. I want to start a petition for more hours in our days!! Who's with meh?


  1. i am OBSESSED with this outfit! i have been trying to convince my bff/blog photographer that she needs a kimono and i think this outfit will tip her over the edge. (welp just scrolled back up and it turns out this is a scarf and not a kimono. you're a styling goddess.) love every bit of this outfit.

    side note: i don't know if you know this, but pinterest for some reason can't grab images from your blog. i always try to pin your cute outfits and it won't let me. :(

    back to the original note: i say yes to more hours both in our days and of sleeping times. maybe if the days are longer then they have to give us a nap in the middle? that would be ideal.

    xo nicole

    1. Thank you so much! I definitely had kimonos in mind when I threw this on so I'm kind of glad that you thought it was one! And I agree that your friend needs a kimono in her life. They are just so graceful and go well with everything :)

      I'm not sure why pinterest won't grab images but I'm working on a solution right this second! Hopefully my limited computer skills will come in handy on this one haha. Thank you for letting me know!!

  2. I am going to have to try this with my scarves as the weather is about to drop from 80 to 20 this week :( loving your outfit and the scarf is beautiful.

  3. You look cute! Sucks when work takes over life.

  4. i totally thought your floral scarf was a kimono too -- either way it looks adorable with the stripes! i love the draping. hope it calms down up there with the snow -- that's insane!


  5. What a gorgeous scarf and gosh I totally get you about work just taking over your life! Either way, hope you have a lovely easter weekend :)

